

Wincer, Simon
by: Wincer, Simon
Carrey, Jin
by: Carrey, Jin
李文生(Levinson, Barry)
by: 李文生(Levinson, Barry)
愛妳想妳戀妳 = Love affair
Caron, Glen Gordon
by: Caron, Glen Gordon
魔鬼專家 = The Specialist
Llosa, Luis
魔鬼戰將2 = Under siege 2
墨斐(Murphy, Geoff)
by: 墨斐(Murphy, Geoff)
蝴蝶君 = M Butterfly
Cronenberc, David
by: Cronenberc, David
太陽帝國 = Empire of the sun
史匹柏(Spielberg, Steven)
by: 史匹柏(Spielberg, Steven)
單身貴族 = Singles
柯勞(Crowe, Cameron)
by: 柯勞(Crowe, Cameron)
瀟灑有情天 = Boys on the side
羅斯(Ross, Herbert)
by: 羅斯(Ross, Herbert)
致命武器 = Lethel Weapon
Donner, Richard
by: Donner, Richard
熱血高手 = Above the law
by: 史帝芬席格
by: 羽田加代
我們四個 = The Sum of us
偷香 = Stealing beauty
柏托魯西(Bertolucci, Bernardo)
by: 柏托魯西(Bertolucci, Bernardo)
吸血鬼 = Dracula
Coppola, Francis Ford
by: Coppola, Francis Ford
地心駭客 = Phantoms
Chappelle, Joe
by: Chappelle, Joe
超完美謀殺案 = A Perfect murder
戴維斯(Davis, Andrew)
by: 戴維斯(Davis, Andrew)
兵人 = Soldier
安德森(Anderson, Paul)
by: 安德森(Anderson, Paul)
殺無赦 = Unforgiven
Eastwood, Clint
by: Eastwood, Clint
蒙面俠蘇洛 = The Mask of Zorro
甘普貝爾(Campbell, Martin)
by: 甘普貝爾(Campbell, Martin)
天旋地轉 = Spice world
Macarthur, Andrea
by: Macarthur, Andrea
王牌對王牌 = The Negotiator
葛瑞(Gray, F. Gary)
by: 葛瑞(Gray, F. Gary)
終極神鷹 = Hudson hawk
Lehmann, Michael
by: Lehmann, Michael
X檔案 = The X : 征服未來
鮑曼(Bowman, Rob)
by: 鮑曼(Bowman, Rob)
X檔案 = The Making of the X files movi...
鮑曼(Bowman, Rob)
斷箭 = Broken arrow
Woo, John
異形4 = Alien 4 : behind the screen; 幕後花絮
史考特(Scott, Ridley)
艾馬瑞奇(Emmerich, Roland)
by: 艾馬瑞奇(Emmerich, Roland)
致命突擊隊 = The Devil's own
Pakula, Alan J.
純真年代 = The Age of innocence
Day-Lewis, Danniel
一日鍾情 = One fine day
Clooney, George
by: Clooney, George
精子也瘋狂 = Made in American
Benjamin, Richard
怪物奇兵 = Space jam
Pytka, Joe
破曉時刻 = Tequila sunrise
唐恩(Towne, Robert)
by: 唐恩(Towne, Robert)
俠盜王子羅賓漢 = Robin Hood prince of thieves
雷諾茲(Reynolds, Kevin)
驚世第六感 = Diabilique
Chechik, Jaramah
by: Chechik, Jaramah
魔鬼毀滅者 = Eraser
羅素(Russell, Charles)
by: 羅素(Russell, Charles)
善意的謊言 = Jakob the Liar
Kassovitz,, Peter
眼鏡蛇 = Stallone Cobra
Cosmatos,, George P.
by: Cosmatos,, George P.
超異能快感 = Practical Magic
Dunne,, Griffin
野東西 = Wild Things
McNaughton,, John
by: McNaughton,, John
鳥人 = Birdy
Parker,, Alan
by: Parker,, Alan
八厘米 = 8MM
Schumacher,, Joel
by: Schumacher,, Joel
電子情書 = You've got mail
Ephron,, Nora
危險人物 = Payback
Helgeland,, Brian
by: Helgeland,, Brian
瓶中信 = Message in a Bottle
Mandoki,, Luis
駭客任務 = The Matrix
Wachowski,, Andy
by: Wachowski,, Andy
危險性遊戲 = Cruel Intentions
Kumble,, Roger
飆風戰警 = Wild Wild West
Sonnenfeld,, Barry
by: Sonnenfeld,, Barry
水深火熱 = Deep Blue Sea
Harlin,, Renny
異次元駭客 = The Thirteenth Floor
Emmerich,, Roland
大開眼戒 = Eyes Wide Shut
Kubrick,, Stanley
by: Kubrick,, Stanley
求婚腦震盪 = Mickey Blue Eyes
Makin,, Kelly
笨賊妙探 = Blue Streak
Mayneld,, Les
天啊!我把傑克變雪人了 = Jack Frost
Miller,, Troy
危險關係 = Dangerous Liaisons
Frears,, Stephen
霹靂心 = Thunderheart
Apted,, Michael
by: Apted,, Michael
迫切的任務 = True Crime
Eastwood,, Clint
by: Eastwood,, Clint
將計就計 = Entrapment
Amel,, Jon
老大靠邊閃 = Analyze This
Ramis,, Harold
人骨拼圖 = The Bone Collector
Noyce,, Phillip
超強火力 = Simon Sez
Elders,, Kevin
by: Elders,, Kevin
驚爆點 = Point break
Bigelow,, Kathryn
by: Bigelow,, Kathryn
墨菲羅曼史 = Murphy's Romance
Ritt,, Martin
聖女貞德 = The Messenger:The Story of Jo...
Besson,, Luc
火線悍將1600 = Murder at 1600
Snipes, Wesley
大蟒蛇神出鬼沒 = Anaconda
李特(Little, Dwight)
by: 李特(Little, Dwight)
蝙蝠俠4 = Batmam & Robin : 急凍人
Carrey, Jin
威鯨闖天關3 = Free willy 3 the rescue
皮爾茲柏里(Pillsbury, Sam)
by: 皮爾茲柏里(Pillsbury, Sam)
五行戰士 = Warriors of virtue
Yu, Ronny
為你瘋狂 = Addicted to love
唐恩(Dunne, Griffin)
by: 唐恩(Dunne, Griffin)
雙重火力 = Double team
Hark, Tsui
不可能的拍檔 = Fathers' day
李特曼(Reitman, Ivan)
by: 李特曼(Reitman, Ivan)
天使不設防 = Michael
Ephron, Nora
總統有難 = My fellow Americans
塞加爾(Segal, Peter)
by: 塞加爾(Segal, Peter)
星際毀滅者 = Mars attacks
波頓(Burton, Tim)
by: 波頓(Burton, Tim)
終極尖兵 = The Last boyscout
史考特(Scott, Tony)
by: 史考特(Scott, Tony)
我的金剛寶貝 = Buddy
陶姆森(Thompson, Caroline)
by: 陶姆森(Thompson, Caroline)
一觸即發 = Absolute power
伊斯威特(Eastwood, Clint)
by: 伊斯威特(Eastwood, Clint)
一路到底脫線舞男 = The Full monty
Cattaneo, Peter
愛在心裡口難開 = As good as it gets
尼柯森(Nicholson, Jack)
by: 尼柯森(Nicholson, Jack)
四海好傢伙 = Goodfellas
Scorsese, Martin
by: Scorsese, Martin
鐵達尼號 = Titanic
卡麥隆(Cameron, James)
by: 卡麥隆(Cameron, James)
誰殺了甘迺迪 = JFK
by: 湯米李瓊斯
辣手美人心 = Final analysis
Joanou, Phil
絕命大反擊 = Conspiracy theory
Donner, Richard
烈火戰將 = Fire down below
艾卡拉(Alcala, Felix Enriquez)
by: 艾卡拉(Alcala, Felix Enriquez)
接觸未來 = Contact
Zemeckis, Robert
by: Zemeckis, Robert
小精靈2 = Gremlins 2 : the new batch
丹提(Dante, Joe)
深海攔截大海怪 = Deep rising
Sowers, Stephen
軍官與魔鬼 = A Few good men
Reiner, Rob
紫色姐妹花 = The Color purple
史匹柏(Spielberg, Steven)
by: 史匹柏(Spielberg, Steven)
飛越杜鵑窩 = One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Forman, Milos
長日將盡 = The Remains of the day
艾弗瑞(Ivory, James)
by: 艾弗瑞(Ivory, James)
阿瑪迪斯 = Amadeus
Forman, Milos
by: Forman, Milos
危險年代 = The year of living dangerously
Weir, Peter
驚異大奇航 = Innerspace
丹提(Dante, Joe)
by: 丹提(Dante, Joe)
魔鬼尖兵 = The Glimmer man
葛瑞(Gray, John)
by: 葛瑞(Gray, John)
千萬風情 = Tin cup
Shelton, Ron
by: Shelton, Ron
魔鬼代言人 = Devil's advocate
Hackford, Taylor
危機最前線 = Mad city
Gavras, Costa
2013終極神差 = The Postman
科斯納(Costner, Kevin)
by: 科斯納(Costner, Kevin)
地動天驚 = Sphere
李文生(Levinson, Barry)
by: 李文生(Levinson, Barry)
兇手就在門外 = Copycat
阿米爾(Amiel, Jon)
by: 阿米爾(Amiel, Jon)
復仇者 = The Avengers
Chechik, Jeremiah
by: Chechik, Jeremiah
絕命追殺令2 = U.S. Marshals : 就地正法
瓊斯(Jones, Tommy Lee)
X情人 = City of angels
Silberling, Brad
by: Silberling, Brad
火線大行動 = In the line of fire
彼得森(Petersen, Wolfgang)
by: 彼得森(Petersen, Wolfgang)
真愛一世情 = Legends of the fall
Zwick, Edward
費城 = Philadelphia
韓克斯(Hanks, Tom)
by: 韓克斯(Hanks, Tom)
西雅圖夜未眠 = Sleepless in Seattle
韓克斯(Hanks, Tom)
最後魔鬼英雄 = Last action hero
McTiernan, John
第一武士 = First knight
Zucker, Jerry
終極警探總動員 = Striking distance
Herrington, Rowdy
瑪莉雪萊之科學怪人 = Mary Shelley's frankenstein
Branagh, Kenneth
愛在紐約 = It could happen to you
柏格曼(Bergman, Andrew)
by: 柏格曼(Bergman, Andrew)
致命的迷思 = Mortal thoughts
魯道爾夫(Rudolph, Alan)
by: 魯道爾夫(Rudolph, Alan)
魔鬼阿諾 = The Running man
格拉瑟(Glaser, Paul Michael)
by: 格拉瑟(Glaser, Paul Michael)
致命武器4 = Lethal weapon 4
Donner, Richard
酷斯拉 = Godzilla
戴夫林(Devlin, Dean)
by: 戴夫林(Devlin, Dean)
風起雲湧 = Primary colors
尼柯茲(Nichols, Mike)
by: 尼柯茲(Nichols, Mike)
Sipes, Andrew
by: Sipes, Andrew
Donner, Richard
by: Donner, Richard
伊斯威特(Eastwood, Clint)
by: 伊斯威特(Eastwood, Clint)
Oedekerk, Steve
by: Oedekerk, Steve
Bennett, Bill
by: Bennett, Bill
Stiller, Ben
by: Stiller, Ben
by: 基努李維
Ruben, Joseph
by: Ruben, Joseph
瓊斯特(Johnston, Joe)
by: 瓊斯特(Johnston, Joe)
Zwick, Edward
by: Zwick, Edward
Lam Ringo
by: Lam Ringo
Arau, Alfonso
by: Arau, Alfonso
Bairo, Stuart
by: Bairo, Stuart
by: 史恩康納萊
吉勃遜(Gibson, Mel)
by: 吉勃遜(Gibson, Mel)
羅密歐與茱麗葉 = William Shakespeare's Rome...
Danes, Claire
征服情海 = Jerry Maguire
克魯斯(Cruise, Tom)
by: 克魯斯(Cruise, Tom)
絕地戰警 = Bad Boys
勞倫斯(Lawrence, Martin)
by: 勞倫斯(Lawrence, Martin)
Gibson, Brian
by: Gibson, Brian
Pakula, Alan J.
by: Pakula, Alan J.
Flynn, John
by: Flynn, John
李文生(Levinson, Barry)
by: 李文生(Levinson, Barry)
溫克勒(Winkler, Irwin)
by: 溫克勒(Winkler, Irwin)
亞倫派克(Parker, Alan)
by: 亞倫派克(Parker, Alan)
純屬虛構 = Picture perfect
Aniston, Jennifer
by: Aniston, Jennifer
1997勢不兩立 = The Edge
Baldwin, Alec
小鬼當家3 = Home alone 3 : 壞消息
Gosnell, Raja
替身殺手 = The Replacement killers
Fuqua, Antoine
哈啦瑪莉 = There's something about Mary
Farrelly, Bobby
機飛總動員 = Hot shots
Abrahams, Jim
鬼馬小精靈 = Casper : 新生報到
McNamara, Sean
終極警探 = Die hard
McTiernan, John
by: McTiernan, John
異形 = Alien
史考特(Scott, Ridley)
by: 史考特(Scott, Ridley)
捍衛戰警 = Speed
Debont, Jan
by: Debont, Jan
剪刀手愛德華 = Edward scissorhands
波頓(Burton, Tim)
小鬼當家 = Home alone
哥倫布(Columbus, Chris)
by: 哥倫布(Columbus, Chris)
別闖陰陽界 = Flatliners
舒瑪克(Schumacher, Joel)
by: 舒瑪克(Schumacher, Joel)
阿達一族 = The Addams family
Sonnenfeld, Barry
虎克船長 = Hook
史匹柏(Spielberg, Steven)
by: 史匹柏(Spielberg, Steven)
沉默的羔羊 = The Silence of the lambs
Demme, Jonathan
返家十萬里 = Fly away home
拜勒德(Ballard, Carroll)
by: 拜勒德(Ballard, Carroll)
上錯驚魂路 = Uturn
Penn, Sean
攔截人魔島 = The Island of Dr. Moreau
Frankenhcimer, John
小子難纏 = The Karate kid
Avildsen, John G.
by: Avildsen, John G.
杜蘭朵公主北京紫禁城實況錄影 = Turandot at the For...
Puccini, Giacomo
閃靈悍將 = Spawn
Dippe, Mark A. Z.
by: Dippe, Mark A. Z.
菜鳥霹靂膽 = The Rookie
Eastwood, Clint
by: Eastwood, Clint
九霄雲外 = Outland
Hyams, Peter
by: Hyams, Peter
殺戮時刻 = A Time to kill
舒瑪克(Schumacher, Joel)
by: 舒瑪克(Schumacher, Joel)
銀翼殺手 = Blade runner
史考特(Scott, Ridley)
by: 史考特(Scott, Ridley)
擋不住的奇蹟 = That thing you do
韓克斯(Hanks, Tom)
一路響叮噹 = Jingle all the way
李凡特(Levant, Brian)
by: 李凡特(Levant, Brian)
尋找理查 = Looking for Richard
帕西諾(Pacino, Al)
by: 帕西諾(Pacino, Al)
致命的快感 = The Quick and the dead
Raimi,, Sam
火山爆發 = Volcano
賈克遜(Jackson, Mick)
by: 賈克遜(Jackson, Mick)
MIB星際戰警 = Men in black
Sonnenfeld, Barry
by: Sonnenfeld, Barry
這就是電影 : 電影是什麼?
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
by: 鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 認識攝影機和底片
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 電影的韻律感
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
by: 鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 鏡頭的運用與取景
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 電影中的時間感
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 偉大的導演
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
by: 鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 場景的銜接&蒙太奇
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 造型與道具
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
by: 鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 電影的魅力
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
by: 鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
這就是電影 : 電影大師的世界觀
鈴木(Suzuki, Makiko)
脫衣舞孃 = Striptease
柏格曼(Bergman, Andrew)
by: 柏格曼(Bergman, Andrew)
情色風暴1997 = The People vs. Larry Flynt
Forman, Milos
蝙蝠俠 = Batman
波頓(Burton, Tim)
by: 波頓(Burton, Tim)
蝙蝠俠大顯神威 = Batman returns
波頓(Burton, Tim)
終極證人 = The Client
舒瑪克(Schumacher, Joel)
by: 舒瑪克(Schumacher, Joel)
正當防衛 = Just cause
Glimcher, Arne
by: Glimcher, Arne
夜訪吸血鬼 = Interview with the vampire
喬丹(Jordan, Neil)
殺不死的勇者 = Hard to kill
Malmuth, Bruce
小貓熊歷險記 = The Amazing panda adventure
Cain, Christopher
新娘不是我 = My best friend's wedding
Hogan, P. J.
捍衛戰警2 = Speed 2
Bont, Jan De
by: Bont, Jan De
愛你在心眼難開 = Something's Gotta Give
Keaton,, Diane
夜魔俠 = Daredevil
Affleck,, Ben
by: Affleck,, Ben
讓愛傳出去 = Pay It Forward
Caviezel,, James
來電傳情 = Hanging Up
Ephron,, Delia
by: Ephron,, Delia
神秘河流 = Mystic River
Bacon,, Kevin
失控的陪審團 = Runaway Jury
Cusack,, John
秘窗 = Secret Window
Depp,, Johnny
by: Depp,, Johnny
大智若魚 = Big Fish
Burton,, Tim
by: Burton,, Tim
蜘蛛人 2 = Spider-man 2
Dunst,, Kirsten
by: Dunst,, Kirsten
末代武士 = The Last Samurai
Cruise,, Tom
星際大戰 = Star Wars: Episode II - Attac...
Lucas,, George
星際大戰 = Star Wars Episode III : Reven...
Lucas,, George
海灘 = The Beach
Boyle,, Danny
by: Boyle,, Danny
KISS情人 = The Story Of Us
Reiner,, Rob
急凍任務 = Chill Factor
Johnson,, Hugh
挑戰星期天 = Any Given Sunday
Stone,, Oliver
致命羅密歐 = Romeo Must Die
Bartkowiak,, Andrzej
by: Bartkowiak,, Andrzej
一家之鼠 = Stuart Little
Minkoff,, Rob
綠色奇蹟 = The Green Mile
Darabont,, Frank
by: Darabont,, Frank
永不妥協 = Erin Brockovich
Soderbergh,, Steven
by: Soderbergh,, Steven
親親小媽 = Stepmom
Columbus,, Chris
by: Columbus,, Chris
變人 = Bicentennial Man
Columbus,, Chris
by: Columbus,, Chris
奪寶大作戰 = Three Kings
Russell,, David O.
by: Russell,, David O.
王者天下 = Kingdom of Heaven
Bloom,, Orlando
巧克力冒險工廠 = Charlie and Chocolate Factory
Burton,, Tim
蝙蝠俠 = Batman Begins : 開戰時刻
Bale,, Christian
機戰未來 = Stealth
Cohen,, Rob
by: Cohen,, Rob
幻影殺手 = Elektra
Bowman,, Rob
by: Bowman,, Rob
火線救援 = Man On Fire
Fanning,, Dakota
by: Fanning,, Dakota
怒海潛將 = Men of Honor
De Niro,, Robert
by: De Niro,, Robert
鳳凰號 = Flight of the Phoenix
Heller,, Lukas
功夫 = Kung Fu Hustle
成名在望 = Almost Famous
Crowe,, Cameron
by: Crowe,, Cameron
今天暫時停止 = Groundhog Day
Crudup,, Billy
駭客任務立體動畫特集 = The Animatrix
Wachowski,, Andy
瞞天過海 = Ocean's thirteen : 13王牌
Affleck,, Casey
花邊教主 第一季 = Gossip girl.The complete ...
Badgley,, Penn
花邊教主 第二季 = Gossip girl.The complete ...
Badgley,, Penn
花邊教主 第三季 = Gossip girl.The complete ...
Badgley,, Penn
特務間諜 = Salt
Ejiofor,, Chiwetel
by: Ejiofor,, Chiwetel
孤兒怨 = Orphan
Collet-Serra,, Jaume
by: Collet-Serra,, Jaume
魔球 = Moneyball
Hill,, Jonah
by: Hill,, Jonah
藝伎回憶錄 = Memoris of a geisha
Marshall,, Rob
V怪客 = V for vendetta
McTeigue,, James
by: McTeigue,, James
達文西密碼 = The Da Vinci code
Hanks,, Tom
來自硫磺島的信 = Letters from Iwo Jima
Eastwood,, Clint
冰原歷險記 2 = Ice Age 2:The Meltdown
Saldanha,, Carlos
柯波帝:冷血告白 = Capote
Hoffman,, Philip Seymour
by: Hoffman,, Philip Seymour
駭客任務 = The Matrix : Reloaded : 重裝上陣
Fishburne,, Laurence
駭客任務 = The Matrix : Revolutions : 最後戰役
Fishburne,, Laurence
血鑽石 = Blood Diamond
Connelly,, Jennifer
by: Connelly,, Jennifer
硫磺島的英雄們 = Flags of Our Fathers
Bradford,, Jesse
機動殺人 = Taking Lives
Caruso,, D.J.
沉默之丘 = Silent Hill
Gans,, Christophe
by: Gans,, Christophe
微軟英雄 = Pirates Of Silicon Valley
Burke,, Martyn
提姆波頓之地獄新娘 = Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
Burton,, Tim
太空戰士 = Final Fantasy : Advent Childr...
口白人生 = Stranger than Fiction
Ferrell,, Will
上帝的傑作 = Something The Lord Made
Def,, Mos
影武者 = Kagemusha
by: 仲代達矢
北國性騷擾 = North Country
Bean,, Sean
明天過後 = The Day After Tomorrow
Emmerich,, Roland
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the Half-Blo...
Grint,, Rupert
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the Sorcerer...
Columbus,, Chris
哈利波特 = Harry Potter And The Chamber ...
Columbus,, Chris
哈利波特 = Harry Potter And The Goblet o...
Cuaron,, Alfonso
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the Order of...
Grint,, Rupert
哈利波特 = Harry Potter And The Prisoner...
Cuaron,, Alfonso
衝出逆境 = Antwone fisher
Fisher,, Antwone
by: Fisher,, Antwone
機械公敵 = I, Robot
Cromwell, James
by: Cromwell, James